Audio and notes from Sunday morning/ Wednesday evening meditation group session.
These will remain up for 1 week.
Group Meditation Sunday 12 January
Shaping a Better Future | In Quest of Truth – Q&A with Babaji, No.205
In the session we played:
33:27 Latent tendencies, acquired habits and previous resolutions.
34:54 Do we hold our current situation by holding on to our thoughts?
38:55 Having a silent mind versus changing our thinking when in the world.
- If the mind is becoming more and more quiet, it is shaping a future of Self-Realization.
- While working you only need to think minimum to execute, then forget about it. Avoid getting trapped into the world.
- For a yogi, somehow things take shape without planning, thinking, a higher power is working.
Next Sunday 12th January will be a 2 hour meditation session from 10am to 12pm.
Group Meditation Wednesday 8 January
Shaping a Better Future | In Quest of Truth – Q&A with Babaji, No.205
In the session we played:
5:19 Should we focus on our Self rather than the body and mind?
7:33 So how we perceive ourself is important?
8:40 Do all bodies and beings exist in one consciousness?
11:58 The Truth of our Existence revealed when we silence the mind.
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